To spark discussion
You can use these as a virtual large-group speaker! Have a Facebook watch party, use the Rave app to watch together, or share your screen on a Zoom call.
Meeting God in a New Kind of Space by Shannon Lamb
What is liminal space? Learn how God not only meets us in this space, but can also invite us into this space.
Discussion Questions:
What emotions have you experienced today?
How have you met God in previous times of transition or uncertainty?
What might it look like to view this season as an adventure?
Reflect on Psalm 84:5-9; “being a blessing as we set our hearts on pilgrimage”
Anxiety Part 1 by Janice McWilliams
How should Christians handle anxiety? Let's look at one of the most popular verses about this subject, and consider.
Part 1 Discussion Questions:
What questions and uncertainties do you have about the future?
How can you tell when you've been getting trapped in ongoing worry?
What can we do to shift from ongoing worry into prayer and thankfulness?
Anxiety Part 1 by Janice McWilliams
A continued conversation about how Paul writes to the Philippians, teaching them how to think in an anxiety-ridden situation.
Part 2 Discussion Questions:
Which thing stands out to you from the list of things Paul says to think about?
What's an example of a time when anxiety helped you to handle a situation?
How can you capture more minutes, and accept the invitation of God instead of the invitation of anxiety?
An Invitation to Creativity and Connection by Grace Hoover
Discussion Questions:
What are some creative things you enjoy doing?
What is something God has been teaching you that you might be able to communicate to others in a creative way?
Pandemic restrictions require us to possibly connect with God in a more creative way. What is 1-2 creative ways you may be able to connect with God during this time?
Perfect Peace (Isaiah 26) by Grace Hoover and Andrew Connell
Lyrics in Video Description
Community Living by Galen Zook & Eboni Akpan Zook
How is staying at home going for you? Some advice for community living in a time or quarantine.
Discussion Questions:
How have you experienced the end of the "honeymoon phase" of your current living situation and the new reality of life setting in?
What are some ways that you could contribute to the peace of your household?
What are some rhythms that you currently have in place for time alone and time with others? Or, what rhythms would you like to put in place?
Faithfulness in Proximity by Colleen Caskey
Your proximity to others on campus has been replaced with proximity to a different community - how can you be faithful to God, here and now?
Discussion Questions:
Who and what are in your proximity right now?
What does faithfulness in this place look like?
Death and Community by Ellie Roper
Grief, loss, and death are painful realities we all have to grapple with - but we don't have to do it alone.
Discussion Questions:
When in your life have you experienced grief - whether that’s grief associated with the death of a loved one, or grief associated with other kinds of loss?
How are you experiencing grief now, if at all? Who in your life can you invite to walk with you in your grief?
Are there people in your life who you need to come alongside?
How did your family of origin/community deal with grief and loss when you were growing up? How do you personally cope with it now?
What does it look like to be community with people who might process death and grief very differently?
Grief by Vivian Young
Discussion Questions:
Where have you seen examples of grief in your family or community? What has that taught you?
What are some challenges to you practicing quiet or engaging God, even before you've encountered grief?
Daily Practices for Self Care by Janice McWilliams
Finding balance is important even in normal times of life; In these difficult times, how can we achieve healthy balance through self-care?
Discussion Questions:
Which practice will you implement? What other ideas come to mind that would work well for you?
When is the last time you did something silly?
What's one silly thing you can do this week? Who can you invite to join you?
(Re)growth in Times of Transition by Shannon Lamb
Have you experienced difficulty, or even regression in your spiritual or personal growth during this season? Good news! Shannon explains why you may be experiencing this, and how to move forward well.
Discussion Questions:
Do you feel like you've regressed? If so how? If not, how has Covid-19 impacted your spiritual and personal growth?
What do you think of the challenge to press into grace? What about doing that with others?
What could be difficult about doing this? What could be wonderful?