Audio Guides & Video Blessings

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Audio Guide Instructions

3:12 | listen before conference or before Walk 1

Hosts Bethany and Josh welcome you to the Digital Camino.

Listen to these short instructions to hear about the vision for the journey and learn how to use each walk's audio guide to enter into the Camino from your own front door anywhere in the world.


video blessing

3:51 | watch before Walk 1

Blessing from Orlando Crespo, director of InterVarsity's LaFe ministry, who walked the Digital Camino in New York in May 2020.

walk 1: simplicity

34:36 | walk Friday between 5-6:30pm

  • Warmup: Breath

  • Breath Prayer: Psalm 23

  • Poem: “Peregrino, Quien te llama?” by Eugenio Garibay Baños

  • Gospel Reflection: Matthew 10:5-14

  • Closing Prayer: A Pilgrim’s Prayer from the 12th Century

Reflection questions

What are extra things that make you feel more secure in your life journey? What would it be like to release those today?

Think about the people and places in your life you are called to love or serve. How can you share hope and healing in these places this semester?

How can you trust Jesus and step into his mission?


video blessing

4:07 | watch before Walk 2

Blessing from Grace Ying May, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at William Carey International University, who walked the Digital Camino in Massachusetts and Maryland in summer 2020.

Walk 2: Presence

32:38 | walk Saturday between 9-11am

  • Warmup: 54321

  • Breath Prayer: Psalm 84

  • Poem: “The Summer Day” by Mary Oliver

  • Gospel Reflection: Matthew 6:25-34 and Job 12:7-12

  • Closing Prayer: A Prayer to God Who Travels with Us

Reflection Questions

What is God speaking to you through creation?

What is challenging for you to be fully present to God, people, and things around you?


Video Blessing

2:53 | watch before Walk 3

Blessing from Ivy Scott, a journalism student at Brown University and an InterVarsity Study Abroad alumna, who walked the Digital Camino in Rhode Island in May 2020.

Walk 3: Hospitality & Gratitude

29:52 | walk Saturday between 2-4:30pm

  • Warmup: Gratitude

  • Breath Prayer: Psalm 104:10-18, 24-30

  • Poem: “Uphill” by Christina Rosetti

  • Gospel Reflection: John 12:1-8

  • Closing Prayer: Somos un Pueblo que Camina

Reflection Questions

What is one experience you’ve had where someone has shown you profound hospitality and for which you’re still grateful? How did that feel? Was it a little uncomfortable?

How could you create a space of welcome for others? Is there an act of hospitality for a specific person that you can put into action in the next few days?

In this broken and inhospitable world, what is one way God is inviting you to practice the kind of radical, unconventional hospitality of Mary and Jesus?


video blessing

5:00 | watch before Walk 4

Blessing from Victoria Mejia, Associate Director of LaFe (Latino Fellowship) with InterVarsity, who walked the Digital Camino in Sacramento, California in Spring 2020.

Walk 4: Perseverance

34:52 | walk Sunday between 9-10:30am

  • Warmup: Sensory 

  • Breath Prayer: Psalm 63:1-8

  • Story: Iheoma Umez-Eronini on walking, strength, and perseverance

  • Gospel Reflection: Matthew 11:28-30

  • Closing Prayer: A Prayer for Those on Paths of Struggle

Reflection Questions

Consider the current circumstances: Your life. Your work. Your relationships. The events that are shaping our world right now. In what ways are you weary? What burdens are you carrying?

How does Jesus want to share the burdens that you’re carrying this day?

Post Conference

Video Blessing

3:36 | watch before Walk 5

A blessing from Cameron Wu-Cardona, who walked the Digital Camino in the Spring of 2020.

Walk 5: A Way of Life

42:36 | walk after conference

  • Warmup: Presence as prayer

  • Breath Prayer: Psalm 16:5-11

  • Poem: “The Way is Made by Walking” by Anthony Machado

  • Gospel Reflection: Matthew 6:25-34

  • Closing Prayer: A Prayer for Reflection and Inner Change

Reflection Questions

What might it look like for you to say “yes” to God's invitation to wholly trust him for both your present and your tomorrow?

What are some practices that could help you cultivate the posture of seeking God’s kingdom in the present, as a way of life?

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